membership and conditions
Anyone with an interest in magic can join the Master Index program.
The membership fee is $97.00 per year for the existing version 1.01 (2008) which covers books published to December 1966 and will be increased by $10.00 for each 10 additional years as they are indexed. Additions will appear in 10-year increments.
This index will reach a maximum 30 additional years of indexing all magic books and magazines published to December 1994, bringing the membership fee to $127.00 per year.
This is a cooperative index and members will have the opportunity to index books of their own choosing (including past books or magazines that may have been missed and do not appear in the existing index) thus build up a credit towards their membership fees. Active members can earn enough credit to maintain free membership.
Other benefits will be available to members such as break-downs of sleights, effects and back grounds of certain presentations.
Paid up members will receive full details that will show them the methods in how they become involved in this important work
The Master Index is a secure program and may be opened with a different encrypted code that will be provided to each member, making it uniquely adapted to that member only. There will be no sharing or changing the program and all additional information will be checked by the Master Index office before it is added to the main program. The provider will be given a number that will be appended to each entry in the program.
Although a library of magic books and magazines would be of benefit, the member does not have a library at hand as there are many public libraries, magic club libraries and collectors libraries that you can access once you know what you are looking for.
To apply for membership in the Master Index organization click